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How to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight


Many people ditch all carbs in an effort to lose weight quickly. The problem is, there are some healthy carbs that can help turbocharge your weight loss.

How to Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight
Throughout my 20 years of researching the best diets on the planet, I’ve seen all the popular fads come and go: low-fat, Atkins, juice cleanses, paleo, and even the dreaded cabbage soup diet. But the chief among them has got to be the low-carb diet, where people (wrongfully) cut all carbs from their diet in an effort to slim down at record speed.
The problem? You’re doing your body a disservice. In fact, giving up carbs can actually make you gain weight.
Instead of ditching carbs altogether, people need to focus on eating the right carbs. That’s why I created The Super Metabolism Diet, to help people turbocharge their metabolisms, torch fat, and lose weight quickly—all while eating carbs.
The Super Metabolism Diet is based on eating super proteins, super fats, and yes, super carbs. Super carbs include familiar kitchen staples like sweet potatoes and fruit, but also ancient grains such as teff, amaranth, and kamut. By incorporating these into your diet, along with other superfoods in the book, you’ll blast away dangerous belly fat and lose those unwanted pounds for good.
Order your copy of The Super Metabolism Diet today for other fat-burning foods, such as avocado, bison, and even red wine. In just two weeks, you’ll notice your clothes fitting better, you’ll have more energy to fuel your workouts, and the number on the scale will go down—in fact, test panelists lost up to 14 pounds in just 14 days!

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