Disclaimer: I hate these photos lol but I took them and I don’t really have another option so it’s happening. Plus, I don’t really care at the end of the day. Y’all have seen me without makeup on haha so it’s all good. okay now to the post.
Y’all, this headline might be a tad dramatic, but it’s the freakin’ TRUTH. I asked y’all if you wanted to hear more about my favorite face masks in a recent beauty post, and I’m pretty sure everyone said yes – so here we are! Honestly, sometimes I forget to write about this kind of stuff because it’s just part of my beauty routine, but since there is clearly interest, I’ll get better about sharing my fave products.
Face masks and me recently became BFFs because 1. they are a game changer and 2. they allow you multi-task. I love getting facials and all that, but TBH, it’s hard for me to sit still for that long. Anyone else?! So, face masks have become a major part of my routine, and I actually look forward to doing a few a week. After hearing that you guys wanted my list, I decided to order a few new ones to see if they replaced any of my current ones. A couple of these have been in my routine forevs, but some are brand-spankin’ new and really really good:
OK so I actually bought this in store because it smelled SO good (like roses #obvi), but luckily, I came home and realized it actually really worked too. This is great for dull winter skin, or whenever I need hydration. I always travel with this too since flying can seriously dry out my skin. A great refresher!
I had seen people rave about this entire brand and even though it’s slightly pricier than I’d usually spend on a mask, now I get it. Every couple weeks, my skin gets bad – big pores, some acne, red, and just blah – usually around my period or if I’m not taking good care of myself. I heard this was MAGIC for balancing everything out and clearing it up. I’ve used it once and WOW. It’s like it sucks away all the bad stuff and leaves it looking much different right after. YES PLZ.
People also love this brand (it’s more *clean* and toxic free than other brands), and I’ve always been a fan too. Since this one is a little more money, this is my ‘treat yo self ‘ mask that I do whenever I’ve had a really long day. It’s so lux, and similar to GlamGlow above, does a fab job at cleaning up my skin. My skin legit glows after – so I’ll use it before an event or a trip too.
I’ve been reading about collagen a lot lately and the benefits it has for your skin (helps with anti-aging, fine lines, smooth skin, etc.) so I grabbed this one a couple weeks ago (you prob saw me testing on Stories, too). It’s amazing! For one, it’s very affordable and two, it’s really calming. This makes my skin crazy smooth, and everything goes on smoother after (especially makeup). It feels good and is just a solid mask for your weekly rotation.
OK, I’m not totally in love with sheet masks (I just like regular masks better comfort wise), but I know a lot y’all love sheet masks, so I wanted to include! This is actually the only sheet mask that I’ve bought more than once, it’s SO hydrating. I love using this and then rubbing the leftover product into my skin after. I try to do this on a day where I don’t have to wear any makeup and I can just let everything really sink in!
This mast might be one of my absolute favorites I’ve ever done! If you watched my stories on Friday, then you saw me and Lisel experimenting with this one! It’s so cool how you take it off with a magnet! Basically, the mask has magnetic material in it, so when you hold a magnet close to it, you pull off the mask and the gunk on your skin and in your pores as well. How cool is that? If even for the coolness factor, this one is worth giving a try! I love the consistency of the mask too – it’s really easy to apply!
What masks do y’all use?
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