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Received a Beauty Product You'll Never Use? Here's What to Do With It

The useless body lotion gift set from your aunt; the well-intentioned but totally off-the-mark perfume purchase from your Mum; or the Secret Santa lipstick you just know you're never going to wear—we've all fake-smiled our way through opening Christmas packages containing beauty products that we know deep down we're just never going to use. Whether it's the wrong shade, not suited to your skin type or from a brand you're just not that into, these beauty Christmas gifts may come with love, but if they're not quite right, it can be pretty disappointing.
Where to donate beauty products: woman holding presents
But don't just let the pots, tubes and bottles sit there gathering dust: These redundant gifts deserve a second chance at making someone else happy and there's a way to do that. Well, a few ways in fact. From charity donations to re-gifting opportunities, keep scrolling to find out where to donate your unwanted beauty products.

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